Gomberg Kite Garage Sale
It’s time.
After a lifetime of traveling the kite world, a thousand kite festivals, and countless friends and adventures, it is time to empty the bags, clear the shelves, and search through forgotten boxes and drawers. We want someone else to enjoy what we have for so long. And we don’t want to wait too long and have someone go through our estate and have no idea what this stuff is.
A lifetime of kite treasures that can now be yours.
So here is the deal. This is not a fancy shopping cart site. Email us if you want something. You buy it; we ship it. If you are nearby, arrange to come pick it up and save on postage. Pay by PayPal or check. We’ll keep adding to the list and when something is gone, you’ve missed it.
Check back! Because we’ll be adding to the page.
Japanese Bee Kites: Hard to find; eminently collectible; generally no longer available -- except here. These kites are known as hachi-dako (bee), semi-dako (cicada) and abu-dako (horsefly) in Japanese. Collectively the style of kite are known as traditional Nagoya Koryu kites. These insect kites all have hummers attached to sound like the insect. The kites are made from very old bamboo that has turned a deep rich brown. This bamboo is favored because it is very flexible, splits very well and can be bent into any shape. Most of this collection were crafted by kitemaster Masaaki Satoh. They measure roughly 12 inches tall. While they last at $100 each plus shipping.
I've been collecting rokkakus for 30 years. Many of these fine kite artists have now left us. But their creatons live on. And now they can move from my bag to yours.
Classic Art fighters: I pains me to part with these. But I'd rather see them in the air and flown by someone like you that will really cherish them. Classic art fighters all roughly 25 yeasrs old. Usually signed. Seldom available any more.
Collectable Roks: I've been collecting rokkakus for 30 years. Many of these fine kite artists have now left us. But their creatons live on. And now they can move from my bag to yours.
Caterpillar: We're selling our big red/orange/black. Well used. Well loved. No damage.
Delta Conyne 12 Stack: Each kite is 8 feet wide and 3.5 feet tall. We used to sell them for $44 each. I have a set of 6 - one each - in rainbow colors. Never flown. We'd like $200 for the set plus shipping.
Well used. Well loved. No damage.
Gomberg Kite Productions and G-Kites Closed in 2020. What a remarkable ride! We incorporated in 1987. We have traveled the world, visited more than 50 countries, and attended a thousand festivals. We brought the newest and most interesting kite designs to the market. We flew for motion pictures, Walt Disney, the Super Bowl, and the London Millennium Celebration. We unveiled our first web page in 1996, published 600 weekly updates of news and travel, wrote four books, and opened three kite stores. We were president of the AKA an unprecedented ten times and led the Kite Trade Association three terms. We have been inducted into the Kite Hall of Fame (next to Ben Franklin and the Wright Brothers!) and were presented the lifetime achievement Edeiken Award – twice (the second time we declined it which has never been done before or since). We’ve spent a lifetime spreading the joys of kiting, kite knowledge, and kite friendships. After 33 great years – we are ready for new adventures. We value each of you and our long association and friendship. Thanks so much for being part of our lives and making our business something special. Keep flying! Keep smiling up at the sky. And keep spreading the joy. Good winds!